Chief Editor: Prof. Margaret Ch. Zama

Editor: Prof. NVR Jyoti Kumar


Preliminary Pages


Engaging with Critical Theory: A Response

Kailash C. Baral


Poetry in English by Mizo Writers: Toward a Literary Tradition between the Gong and the Guitar

Sarangadhar Baral


Liandova leh Tuaisiala and the Reality of Traditional Mizo Society: A Study



Performance and Buoyancy of State's Own Revenue with reference to Mizoram in North East India



Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on the Performance of Select Indian Mutual Funds

Noor Basha Abdul & K. Sarvani


Volume and Return Relationship in the Selected Commodity Futures in India during 2009-13

Rajesh C. Jampala, P. Adi Lakshmi & O. A. R. Kishore


An Empirical Study of Liquidity Management in Indian Public Sector Petroleum Companies

Pranesh Debnath


Teaching Pedagogy and Evaluation Methods in Accounting Education: An Empirical Research

Shilpa Vardia & G. Soral


Marketing Problems of Micro Enterprises in Mizoram: An Empirical Study



Intelligence, Creativity and Academic Self-Concept in relation to Academic Performance in Early School Age Children

Alice Lalchhandami Fanai & C. Lalfamkima Varte


Personality and Gratitude of Higher Secondary Students in Mizoram: A Gender Perspective

Zokaitluangi & C. Lalfakzuali


The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Occupational Stress among the Nurses

Nagaraju Battu & S. Kahmeera


Human Rights in the Mizo Society: Individual Rights vs Community Rights



Laiphô: Mara Traditional Social Institution

K. Robin


Book Review

N. V. R. Jyoti Kumar


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