The Editorial Board of the Mizoram University Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (MZUJHSS), a bi-annual, open access, refereed journal, ISSN(P): 2395-7352, ISSN(Online): 2581-6780 published by Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram, India takes pride in bringing out the journal since June, 2015.
The mandate of the journal is to facilitate interdisciplinary research and knowledge sharing of disciplines that come within the broad scope of Humanities and Social Sciences. It is hoped that this journal will not only be a facilitator, but also would grow to be a creditable channel that expresses and contains various research works of high academic standard undertaken by Departments and individuals from across the country and abroad. The MZUJHSS welcomes original research papers, articles, book reviews, seminar/ workshop/ conference reports etc.
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The Mizoram University Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (MZUJHSS) is an Open Access journal and allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full-texts of its articles and to use them for any other lawful purposes while quoting the name and bibliographic details of the journal.